The Holidays are upon us.

And with it comes the busyness of getting all your personal & work projects done, a calendar filled with to-dos from Holiday parties, gift shopping, and friends & family gathering…basically our stress goes to another level.

It is also a time when you may feel lonelier or deep sadness, especially if you are away from your family, have lost someone close, or are going through your own life challenges.
Every year at this time, I think of my father, whom I lost during the Holidays. This year is no different. And as I am writing this blog, I am going through another loss.

So, how do we find joy amidst overpowering emotions and tensions?

By first not avoiding the sadness, the grief, the anger… we may feel. There are no wrong emotions.
It is important to let ourselves feel what needs to be felt, find compassion for ourselves and ask for help when needed— When we allow these emotions to go through us, we can give them space and, eventually, a place to rest.

Second, As you go through difficult emotions, also notice and embrace the small things that make your heart a little lighter:

  • The twinkle in the eyes of a child looking at Santa and the toys through a store window,

  • Your favorite Holiday song on your playlist,

  • Decorating a Christmas tree, lighting the Chakukkah candles…and other family traditions,

  • Looking at the Christmas lights in your city, town, or neighborhood.

  • Reconnecting with an old friend visiting from out of town,

  • Volunteering or donating to your favored charity

  • The list goes on…

In other words, stay present for it all.

And believe me, I know It is not easy!

When I go through a difficult time is when my yoga & meditation practice helps me the most, Yoga Nidra in particular. This deep meditation created space for me to move through the loss of my father and some very difficult moments since then. It allowed me to release my anxious thoughts and feelings and ground myself so I could also see the sweet moments and the kindness around me, not just the pain.

That is one of the major reasons why I share Yoga Nidra with all of you all year long, especially this time of year.

If you’re feeling the stress of the end of the year and would like to experience a little release and calmness, I highly recommend this practice. You can find recordings on YouTube, or Spotify, attend a class in person in your city or join me online for my next Yoga Nidra workshop.
It will leave you refreshed and ready for the end of the year, no matter what you are going through!
Click below if you want to know more about the workshop:


Wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday Season!
And remember, you are not alone. I am here for you!

With Love from Santa Monica,

Cathy D
