2015 in review.... and Happy New Year


2015 in review.... and Happy New Year

Not all topics, inequalities & subjects we deeply care about are on social media sites or in the news. Here are the top 10 most talked about topics on Facebook...

I would personally love to see a little bit more togetherness in 2016 because while we are all unique and different, deep down we are made of the same thing and long to connect.
So may 2016 bring us difficult conversations and willingness to listen, different opinions and respect for one another, more open hands and smiles & less fists, guns and violence.

But let's face it, it starts with us... 
I'll try my best to keep the conversation going this year and listen to your words especially when I disagree (*as long as the discussion is constructive), I will try to spread words of peace starting with myself, I will look kindly to your humanity and mine, and I will extend an open hand to you whenever I can. I will smile as much as I can and share what I know to bring more mindfulness into this world through my practice, my teachings, my learnings.

So what are you willing to do to make our world a better one this year?
Share it with me, spread it around and let it go....

Happy 2016 to all!


People are Dicks, Love Them Anyway + 9 Other Affirmations for Realist Spiritualists


People are Dicks, Love Them Anyway + 9 Other Affirmations for Realist Spiritualists

Sometimes I just come across an article that makes me laugh out loud and I am inclined to share the smile :)
I think this blog post is the perfect way to end the year and make sure I use some of the affirmations in 2016.
Read and Enjoy!


Let’s get real for a moment, sometimes the token "I love myself" on repeat just doesn’t cut it.
You know, for those eye-twitching-pen-clicking-traffic-jam-beeping-no-toilet-paper-left-on-the-roll moments where your soul just wants to explode with a mushroom cloud of profanities.
Yup, here is a list of affirmations for those glorious life moments compiled for you by your Spiritual Personal Assistant aka PA for the soul, Emma Mildon.

10 Affirmations for Realist Spiritualists

- See more by clicking here




Honoring our gurus


Sharing an article from "Spirituality and Health" that honors some of our gurus. Missing from that list is a guru that has influenced me and is making me grow as a yogini and woman every day: Dana Trixie Flynn. 
I am forever grateful for her support and belief in me and for the home she has built for the family that keeps growing.

100 Trailblazers in
Yoga & Ayurveda



If you’ve ever been to a candlelight service, you know how the magic works: A glow starts small and gets passed, from person to person, until the whole room is shining. The people we’ve profiled in this special section are remarkable because they are not only the source of a glow—a flame of creativity, knowledge, and wisdom—but they are also conduits, making sure that the flame gets passed along to others.

It can’t always have been easy. For as popular as yoga is now, just a few decades ago it was largely unknown on the global stage. Yoga is now a global phenomenon, making its way into the hearts and minds of millions—across cultures, continents, and religious beliefs. With so many people attuned to yoga’s transformative powers, there is ample reason to hope that the serenity and insights instilled by yoga practice could in fact bring about a more peaceable world.

Yoga’s soaring popularity has generated interest not just in the basic breathing techniques and asanas (physical poses) of the practice, but also in the philosophical and spiritual underpinnings of the ancient practice. It has spawned a growing regard for the principles of Ayurveda, affectionately known as “yoga’s sister medicine.” Today, about 20 million Americans practice yoga, and Ayurveda is one of the fastest growing medical traditions.

We salute the pioneers whose work has contributed so much to our awareness of yoga and Ayurveda. Through dedication, creativity, and innovation, they are together affecting a sea change in our modern habits of mind and body, and in our collective consciousness.

To see the list click here



Share more of your light in 2016!


Share more of your light in 2016!

As we approach 2016 and reflect on the year that has passed my thoughts are always wandering back to my father who left us on January 1st, in 2007…. It's always a bitter sweet time for me.  It brings some sadness but it's also a time to celebrate, rejoice and reflect on the moments I have had with him over the years (the good ones and painful ones equally). 
Les fêtes de fins d’années (End of year celebrations) were his favorite time of year. He loved surrounding himself with friends and family to celebrate in the spirit of togetherness the year that had just passed and start the new year with the people he cared about the most. The present moment was all that mattered….
It is not always easy to fully enjoy each moment as they come. We're often trapped in our mind surrounded by thoughts, worries and images moving way too fast.

 After my father was diagnosed with cancer and treatments were administered, the reality set in that he may not survive his illness. He told my Mom that he wasn't sure he had left his mark yet on the world yet (he passed at 58). She looked at him, then around her. “Of course you have” she said. They were sitting in a room he had re-done completely, in a house where only the 1st floor was finished and livable when we first moved in. He built the entire second floor and made changes (adding an additional room and hardwood floors) over the past 20 years.

But the truth is, he has left his mark in more than what you can physically touch, he has left his mark on all of us that knew him. His presence in our life even today is undeniable, you can see it in my and my brother’s eyes, in my mother’s heart. His stubbornness, heated conversations and kindness are often recalled. He left his mark in more than one way, some that he is surely very proud of, some others probably a little less.

We all leave our mark in this world, whether we leave something concrete like a piece of art, something we’ve built or we leave an impression by sharing a simple word, a story or a smile. We all touch people in different ways and we’re not always aware of it. Each smile we offer, each word we whisper or scream, each touch leave an imprint in someone else's life.
As 2015 ends and 2016 begins I encourage you to keep leaving your mark with maybe a little more awareness and intention.
Live, love, create and be happy no matter what you chose to do. Leave your mark with pride, kindness, humility, tears, laughter.
Leave it, simply.
Share more of your light in 2016!

Wishing you all the best for the wonderful new year awaiting us, no matter what it brings us, let's all try to be a little bit more present!


Join Cathy on New Years Day at Laughing Lotus BK for a sweet and relaxing 90 minutes Restorative Flow class and on Jan. 16th, 2016 for her uplifting Yoga Nidra Workshop
