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Live Your Dreams

Five Tips To Let Yourself Live Your Dream Life!


Five Tips To Let Yourself Live Your Dream Life!

Have you ever felt like something is missing?

Although you may have a good job, a loving partner, amazing kids, a place you call home… you feel a void in your heart, an emptiness.

And if you listen closely, you may hear a whisper.
That’s your heart nudging you, trying to get your attention, and asking you to explore your dreams.
Letting your heart whisper its desires may bring up some uneasiness. Guilt may even set in.
You may hear your inner voice say:
”I have a wonderful life, I should be happy with what I have.”
”Others are happy with much less than I have, why do I need more?”

But going through the motions is no longer enough.
You want to explore, write, paint, dance, learn to teach yoga, play an instrument, sing…move to another State :)

So how do you let yourself do just that?

    You are a unique human being with your own sets of skills. Embrace who you are. No one is quite like you. Your uniqueness is your gift. So why do you compare yourself to others?
    Let your light shine brightly. The world needs you as you are.
    Dr. Seuss said it best when it said: "Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."

    When your mind takes you on a spiraling journey of doubts, fears, and anxious feelings, acknowledge where you are. It is not easy to change our ways.
    Take a breath. Stay present and connected to your surroundings. Go outside, look at a tree, hug your pet, take ten deep breaths (count them backward), take a walk, smile at a stranger, talk to a friend, take a meditation class, journal…
    Then and only then will you be able to keep going.

    There's nothing like sharing your passions with others. So if you like reading, create a reading club, if you practicing your language skills, join a MeetUp group, If you want to learn a new skill, go to a class, if you want to brainstorm, have coffee dates to discuss your passions. Surround yourself with inspiration. And watch yourself light up!

    To grow means to be uncomfortable.
    There is no other way around it.
    So if your dreams bring discomfort, rejoice in the fact that you're on the right path!
    The good news is you don't have to do it alone! See #3 for your support group, and think about hiring a coach who can help you maneuver through the challenges when you feel stuck. Plus, with the support, you will get to your destination faster!

  5. REFRAME YOUR MINDSET: Turn Limitations Into Possibilities
    "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible" Audrey Hepburn

    Need I say more?


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